Sean Chuma is a world-renowned BASE Jumper, BASE jumping instructor, and the original Tandem BASE Master. BASE is an acronym that stands for building, antenna, span, and earth. S imply put it is a sport in which parachutists jump from fixed objects. Chuma, represents originality in the sport and specializes in Aerials, often doing several flips and unbelievable tricks in a short amount of time, before deploying his parachute to avoid impact. While most of his skydiving career was in San Diego, CA, Chuma moved to Twin Falls, ID where he has made the Perrine bridge the home of his Inter-Demensional BASE Jumping school and personal training grounds. Chuma is the in ventor/ founder of several BASE-Jumping tricks.
In 2009 Chuma, and his partner s at the time, developed the first ever commercial Tandem Base operation. During the experimental phase Chuma performed many test jumps with experienced base jumpers acting as the passenger. Since then, he has done o ver 900 tandem Base jumps in many places around the world and off of all four objects in the word B.A.S.E. His company has performed the Tandem Base jumps at bridge day in Fayetteville, West Virginia for the last 9 years. He has taken more people on Tandem BASE jumps than any other person in the world. Chuma has traveled around the world, base jumping at the most amazing Base locations.
Chuma has an athletic background in gymnastics, skiing, and pole
vaulting. He graduated from the university of Nebraska- Lincoln, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Chuma made his fir st skydive at the age of 16 (in 1996) and has over 3700 skydives and over 7500 Base jumps. He is a pioneer in the sport of BASE JUMPING and Has dedicated his life to pushing boundaries in the sport.